Parent-Student Handbook Signature Page
Please submit this form by Wednesday, August 21st.

We, the undersigned Parent(s) and Student(s), have read the Parent-Student Handbook for this school year, agree to follow all policies as outlined in the handbook, and agree to work with the School in upholding its Catholic philosophy.

Specifically, working together with teachers and staff we will:
● Be faithful in our religious mission and strive to develop strong prayer lives.
● Follow St. Finn Barr Catholic School rules, regulations, and guidelines.
● Support school functions.
● Be punctual and responsible with tuition and fees.
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Student name and grade: *
Student name and grade:
Student name and grade:
By typing your name in this box, you acknowledge that you agree follow all policies as outlined in the handbook, and agree to work with the School in upholding its Catholic philosophy.  *
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